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This page contains a complete tutorial on how to create your project.

Step 1: Install uv

To start, we will need to install uv. The instructions to install uv can be found here. For MacOS or Linux;

curl -LsSf | sh

Step 2: Generate your project

On your local machine, navigate to the directory in which you want to create a project directory, and run the following command:

uvx cookiecutter

For an explanation of the prompt arguments, see Prompt Arguments.

Step 3: Set up your Github repository

Create an empty new repository on Github. Give it a name that only contains alphanumeric characters and optionally -.

Step 4: Upload your project to Github

Run the following commands:

cd {{cookiecutter.project_name}}
git init -b main
git add .
git commit -m "Init commit"
git remote add origin{{cookiecutter.author_github_handle}}/{{cookiecutter.project_name}}.git
git push -u origin main

Step 5: Set Up Your Development Environment

Install the environment with:

make install

This will generate the uv.lock file ``

6. Commit the changes

Now we commit the changes made by the two steps above to the repository:

git add .
git commit -m 'Fix formatting issues'
git push origin main

Step 7: Enable your documentation

To enable your documentation on GitHub, first navigate to Settings > Actions > General in your repository, and under Workflow permissions select Read and write permissions.

Then navigate to Settings > Code and Automation > Pages. If you succesfully created a new release, you should see a notification saying Your site is ready to be published at https://{{cookiecutter.author_github_handle}}{{cookiecutter.project_name}}/.

To finalize deploying your documentation, under Source, select the branch gh-pages.

Step 8: You're all set!

That's it! I hope this repository saved you a lot of manual configuration. If you have any improvement suggestions, feel free to raise an issue or open a PR on Github!